Diese Aufgaben erwarten Sie bei uns: Beurkundung von Personenstandsfällen; Nacherfassung von Personenstandsbüchern und Staatsbürgerschaftsevidenzen im Zentralen Personenstands- und Staatsbürgerschaftsregister; Bei noch nicht abgelegter Standesbeamten-Dienstprüfung: die Ausbildung zur/zum Standesbeamt:in mit …
Acquiring and conducting third-party funded national and international research projects with the aim to further develop their own research agenda in the field of finance. Teaching and conducting examinations independently in English at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D./doctorate, and executive education)
Perform teaching activities at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD/doctorate, and executive education). The teaching load for this position is 2 units/week per semester (1 unit = 45 minutes of teaching), i.e. 4 units/week per year
Im Ausmaß von 40 Wochenstunden, Einsatzort: Stadtgebiet Traun - Die Trauner Stadtpolizei besteht aus einem gut ausgestatteten, kollegialen und vor allem wertschätzenden Team, dass das Leben in der Stadt Traun aktiv mitgestaltet … Dienstausbildung für Beamte des Exekutivdienstes
Acquiring and conducting third-party funded national and international research projects with the aim to further develop their own research agenda in the field of business psychology and HR development. Teaching and conducting examinations independently in English at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D./doctorate, and …
Acquiring and conducting third-party funded national and international research projects with the aim to further develop their own research agenda in the interdisciplinary field of international relations. Teaching and conducting examinations independently in English at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, Ph.D./doctorate …
WU is currently inviting applications for the position of a full professor[1] of Global Business at the Department of Global Business and Trade (part-time 20%, duration of employment is 3 years) … The successful candidate is expected to have established an international reputation as a researcher in their field and to …
Beschreibung - The successful candidate has a proven track record of excellent internationally recognized research and is expected to develop fundamental research projects in social work- related fields oriented towards application and intervention on social work issues
The Department of Humanities within the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences is seeking a leading academic to join its team as Associate Professor (promotion track) or Full Professor in English Linguistics
So ist die JVA Österreich jährlich auf der Suche nach Nachwuchs, sodass die Aussichten auf eine erfolgreiche JVA Bewerbung durchaus nicht gering sind … Wenn Du Justizbeamter werden möchtest, musst Du ein paar Voraussetzungen für die Justizwache Ausbildung erfüllen