Optimalerweise Erfahrung mit Hyperledger … Student/in bzw. Absolvent/in Informatik, Mathematik, Wirtschaftsinformatik oä. Analytisches Denken und leidenschaftliches Interesse an komplexen Thematiken - Lösungsorientierte und kreative Herangehensweise
Unsere Erwartungen an dich: Qualifikationen - Formal qualifications are not necessary. We decide whether applicants qualifications are sufficient or not on an individual basis. Erfahrung - Interest in blockchain technology … Experience with C++ or Go
You support us in our international projects and get exciting insights into our technological environment. You will gain experience in the development and use of cryptography in current and future applications. You will have not only the opportunity to discuss your work experiences and results with experienced …
Paris Festanstellung View Job Description - Are you an international Crypto events expert (m/f/d) who loves building out and executing outstanding events strategies … Do you bring managerial and strategic experience, yet still enjoy working hands on together with your team
Technologien und Skills - Go - C++ - Linux - Unsere Erwartungen an dich: Qualifikationen - Interest in blockchain technology - A pro-active attitude, the ability to self-motivate, the ability to thin outside the box and see - the bigger picture
Developments of various APIs related to blockchain technologies … Technologien und Skills - Linux - Android - iOS - Flutter - Unsere Erwartungen an dich: Qualifikationen - A pro-active attitude, the ability to self-motivate, the ability to thin outside the box and see the bigger picture
eToro is the trading and investing platform that empowers users to invest, share and learn. We were founded in 2007 with the vision of a world where everyone can trade and invest in a simple and transparent way. We have created an investment platform that is built around collaboration and investor education
Möchten Sie zur Entwicklung dieses im Entstehen begriffenen Bereichs nicht nur aus praktischer, sondern auch aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht beitragen … Arbeit an angewandten Forschungsprojekten im Bereich Token Engineering und Blockchain Business Applications
Möchten Sie zur Entwicklung dieses im Entstehen begriffenen Bereichs nicht nur aus praktischer, sondern auch aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht beitragen … Grundlagenforschung zu aktuellen Blockchain-Themen (z.B. Interoperabilität, Ökosystementwicklung, Token-System-Design ...) in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren wissenschaftlichen …
eToro Money group … eToro provides its Millions of users with a mobile Wallet application that lets them manage all their financial assets through an ultra-modern, slick user experience. We work with cutting edge, micro-services based technologies, to deliver highly secured, insanely easy to use neo-banking services