251 PhD-Jobs in Wien

  • Logo Universität Wien
    € 3.715 | vor 16 T
    vor 16 T
    € 3.715

    University assistant predoctoral (VDP PhD Completion Contract - 12 Months)

    You are enrolled in the doctoral programme of DSPL43 and you are a doctoral student member of the VDP. You have successfully passed your public presentation, submitted your dissertation agreement and since then submitted - your annual progress reports

    Universität Wien

  • Logo Universität Wien
    € 3.715 | vor 16 T
    vor 16 T
    € 3.715

    University assistant predoctoral (VDP PhD Completion Contract - 6 Months)

    You are enrolled in the doctoral programme of DSPL43 and you are a doctoral student member of the VDP. You have successfully passed your public presentation, submitted your dissertation agreement and since then submitted - your annual progress reports

    Universität Wien

  • Logo boku.ac.at
    Wien 7
    € 2.467 | vor 8 T
    vor 8 T
    € 2.467

    Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Doktorat im Forschungs- und Lehrbetrieb Ersatzkraft

    Eigenständige Forschung im Bereich interdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung mit Fokus auf Ressourcennutzung, unter Einbeziehung von Klimaschutzanforderungen und anderen Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten auf verschiedenen Skalenebenen (z.B. von national bis …


  • Logo Universität Wien
    € 3.579 | vor 8 T
    vor 8 T
    € 3.579

    University assistant predoctoral - completion contract

    91 Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science … The Doctoral School in Microbiology and Environmental Science at the Centre supports PhD students in the finishing phase of their dissertation project through short-term finishing contracts

    Universität Wien

  • Logo www.myscience.at
    Wien 7
    vor 7 T
    vor 7 T

    Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in mit Doktorat (20 WStd., Ers.Kr.)

    Eigenständige Forschung im Bereich interdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung mit Fokus auf Ressourcennutzung, unter Einbeziehung von Klimaschutzanforderungen und anderen Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten auf verschiedenen Skalenebenen (z.B. von national bis …


  • Logo boku.ac.at
    Wien 19
    € 2.467 | vor 22 T
    vor 22 T
    € 2.467

    Wissenschaftliche*r Projektmitarbeiter*in mit Doktorat

    Mitarbeit in einem transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt zu Totholzzersetzung und der Rolle von Klima, Waldbewirtschaftung, Pilzen und Insekten - Einrichtung und Auswertung von Feldexperimenten - Untersuchungen von Pilzen und Insekten mittels Holzproben und Fallen


  • Logo www.modul.ac.at
    Wien 19
    vor 6 M
    vor 6 M

    PHD in Business and Socioeconomic Sciences

    Join our program to pursue state-of-the-art research and make a meaningful impact in the field of business and socioeconomic sciences. Two program paths to choose. Multiple ways to succeed - The PhD program offers multiple paths to admission, a “fast-track” option is to apply to contribute to a pre-disposed research topic …


  • Logo www.goinginternational.eu
    Wien 3
    vor 6 M
    vor 6 M

    Doctor in further training / training assistant for anaesthesiology (m/f/d)

    We are looking for a municipal hospital in NRW as soon as possible for a … The academic teaching hospital under municipal sponsorship has around 450 beds. The Institute of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine is responsible for all anaesthesiological care in the operating theatre, intensive care medicine and the …


  • Logo www.wunschkind.at
    Wien 1
    € 5.714 | vor 1+ J
    vor 1+ J
    € 5.714

    Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics (m/f/d) as a (future) reproductive doctor with enthusiasm

    Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics - Ideally experience in egg collection and embryo transfer - English and other foreign languages are an advantage - Constant willingness to further medical education and training within and outside the practice


  • Logo www.jrbcg.at
    Wien 1
    vor 1+ J
    vor 1+ J

    Doctor of Education

    Those with a master's degree or equivalent degree in Education or Pedagogy or Psychology have now a golden opportunity to accomplish Doctorate or PhD Program online from Austria. The program is fully accredited in Europe and worldwide

