The Faculty Office, part of the Academic Affairs division, is responsible for the conceptual planning and operational management of faculty-related matters at ISTA. As part of our team in the Faculty Office, the focus of this position will be on overseeing and shaping the academic lifecycle management of faculty on campus and the …
Die Abteilung Construction & Maintenance betreut die modernen Gebäude und Anlagen am Campus des ISTA. Der Unterbereich Furnishing, Drywall and Refurbishing ist verantwortlich für die Tischler-, Trockenbau- und Malerarbeiten, von Instandhaltung und Wartung bis hin zu großen Umbauprojekten
Security monitoring of ISTA's IT infrastructure - Design, analysis as well as management and administration of security systems … Project lead for proactive vulnerability assessments including penetration tests and audits to identify and remediate security weaknesses
The Mass Spectrometry Service at ISTA offers an array of advanced methods that cover both biological and chemical applications. Our services include High Resolution Mass Spectrum (HRMS) analysis of complex peptide mixtures (Burker timsTOF HT), intact proteins and synthetic compounds, targeted metabolite quantitation (Thermo Q …
The Aquatics Facility at ISTA is a breeding facility for zebrafish Danio rerio and the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), supporting cutting-edge research in developmental biology and neuroscience. We are seeking a dedicated and highly motivated colleague to join our team
In dieser Position unterstützen Sie sowohl den Head of Finance als auch das gesamte Finance Team in allen organisatorischen und administrativen Agenden. Sie sind ein Organisationstalent, übernehmen gerne Verantwortung und fühlen sich wohl in einem dynamischen, internationalen Umfeld
Kundenservice / Service Center Leipzig / Vollzeit / iCS00168 - Willkommen beim ista Customer Service - Guter Kundenservice ist uns wichtig … Bei uns triffst du auf ein buntes Team aus Expert:innen und Quereinsteiger:innen. Wir leben die Atmosphäre eines jungen Unternehmens, flache Hierarchien und eine offene Feedbackkultur
ISTA is growing. Grow with us … We strive to recruit passionate professionals from across the world over all fields who strive to support our goal of excellent research. Located within a beautiful campus on the outskirts of Vienna, we offer multiple opportunities for personal growth in a stable working environment
ISTA is growing. Grow with us … We strive to recruit passionate professionals from across the world over all fields who strive to support our goal of excellent research. Located within a beautiful campus on the outskirts of Vienna, we offer multiple opportunities for personal growth in a stable working environment
Der Bereich Campus Services verwaltet nicht-wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen, wie die Bereitstellung von Räumlichkeiten für Veranstaltungen, die Verwaltung von 38 Gästezimmern, 32 Apartments, 90 Wohnungen, das Café/Pub, die Cafeteria, den Kindergarten, den …