What we offer you - Automotive companies are intensively developing automated driving functions and vehicles. Unfortunately, we have already seen severe road accidents involving automated vehicles … Performance comparison of the Machine Learning methods developed at AVL
For the application of testing autonomous driving systems under different driving conditions, AVL is developing various machine learning components that are integrated into complex virtualized testing environment or used together with well-accepted ADAS/AD …
Development of new generation machine learning methods focused on the detection of object, lane and driving scenarios - Integration of the developed methods into AVL platforms - Testing and analysing full self-driving stacks under different hardware and software configurations with the integrated methods
What we offer you - Fitting Physical Models to the test measurements of the Batteries or Fuel Cells are a powerful tool in capturing their inner characteristics. However, the fidelity of the physical model is highly dependent on the set of physical phenomena coved by mathematical formalism
What we offer you - Batteries, being the most valuable and defining component of electric vehicles (EVs), are of paramount importance to future mobility. The demand for battery testing facilities is soaring, with capacities being reserved years ahead … Knowledge of machine learning algorithms (e.g
Performance comparison of the Machine Learning methods developed at AVL … Analysing the methods by using cognitive testing methods available in the literature on a publicly available AD stack like Autowave and Apollo … Ongoing studies in the fields of Computer Science, Telematics, Physics or Electrical Engineering
LEC GmbH - published on Feb 11, 2025 05:28 PM - Get familiar with large ICE condition monitoring processes - Develop in-depth knowledge of acoustic emission analysis and related AI/ML techniques - Gain practical knowledge of how to obtain acoustic emission or similar data experimental investigations or engine tests
LEC GmbH - veröffentlicht am 11.02.2025 17:28 - Get familiar with large ICE condition monitoring processes - Develop in-depth knowledge of acoustic emission analysis and related AI/ML techniques - Gain practical knowledge of how to obtain acoustic emission or similar data experimental investigations or engine tests
Analyze and adapt data models for battery testing - Implement simple test environment to simulate battery test lab - Analyze state of the art in ML applicable to plant management - Select appropriate approaches and implement prototypes for tasks in the battery testing facility (e.g
Als Teil unseres Teams gestaltest du innovative Bildverarbeitungskomponenten für unser iriis-System. Du fokussierst dich auf die Produktentwicklung und bist für die Systemarchitektur/Interfaces unserer ML-Platform verantwortlich